Bean There, DEBUNKED That: 8 Coffee MYTHS to Avoid for Better CAFFEINE Intake | Dr. Steven Gundry

All right, coffee is known for its incredible   health benefits all around the world and 
it's something I drink every single day. First of all, coffee drinkers 
around the world have some of   the longest health spans and life spans 
and have some of the best brain health   and it's all because of the 
polyphenol content in coffee. Now, I don't have to hopefully 
tell you about polyphenols. But polyphenols are these amazing plant 
compounds that have two really important effects. Number one, we've recently learned in 
the last few years that our gut bacteria,   our microbiome loves to eat polyphenols. So polyphenols are a prebiotic 
that feeds friendly bacteria.

Number two, we have known for some time that   polyphenols by themselves 
are very poorly absorbed. Now, long ago, it was felt that 
polyphenols are antioxidant. In fact, that is not true. What polyphenols are, are mitochondrial uncouples   and uncoupling mitochondria actually 
protects mitochondria from damage. Number one   and number two stimulates mitochondria to make 
more mitochondria, which is called mitogenesis. And actually number three allows mitochondria 
to waste energy to do a caloric bypass. So, study after study shows 
that coffee consumption   actually improves microbiome diversity. It actually makes more and more 
different bacteria in your gut. And it's because of the 
richness of the polyphenols. So it's an impressive and easy way to 
give your microbiome foods that they need. Now, once you have the microbiome, 
eating the polyphenols, then they   manufacture compounds from those 
polyphenols that you can absorb. And when you absorb those compounds, they go 
to work in uncoupling your mitochondria study. After study of people who drink coffee, 
particularly really polyphenol rich coffee,   they have much better brain health. Why? Because the polyphenols actually help uncouple 
the neurons in your brain keeping them healthy.

Now, fun fact, which really is strange,   the lighter the roast of the coffee, 
the more polyphenols are present,   the darker the roast of coffee, the less 
polyphenols are present even though it tastes   stronger and richer, the darker the roast, 
the more the polyphenols were are destroyed. So easy thing to remember, roast your coffee 
either light or medium if you want polyphenols,   stay away from the dark roast, that's 
actually damaging the polyphenol.

The other thing that's remarkable that 
you'll learn in my upcoming book, Gut Check   is that the longer the coffee grounds are exposed 
to the water, the more polyphenols are extracted. So strangely enough, boiled coffee 
like Greek or Turkish coffee has   a much higher polyphenol content 
than other forms of brewing coffee. Now, I'm not saying to go out and boil your coffee 
all day, but we have to learn from these super   healthy long lived cultures that perhaps they're 
on to something and they were on to something   because the polyphenol content was increased, the 
longer the grounds were in contact with the water. Fun fact, now coffee can 
actually raise your C cola means.

Now most people think that catacholamines like   adrenaline like epinephrine is bad for 
you that you don't want catacholamines. Well, in fact, catacholamines are a very 
important part of our communication system,   hormonal system to make your heart 
and your brain actually work better. Now, when I need to get the most 
heart function out of a patient   with a lousy heart, believe it or not, 
I give them intravenous forms of Cine. And sure enough study after study,   including some of my studies show that 
these dramatically improve heart function. So why wouldn't I wanna give my 
heart a nice boost of function   particularly early in the morning 
or when I need some get up and go? Now, a lot of people say, yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. But coffee increases your cortisol levels 
and cortisol is really bad for you. And cortisol makes you gain weight. I'm sorry. That is one of the greatest inner myths out there. There is no relationship with 
cortisol and weight gain. Yes, there is relationship between giving someone   Cortisone hydrocortisone 
as a drug and weight gain. But that has nothing to do with endogenous 
cortisol production and the amount that   you get from a cup of coffee will 
do nothing to promote weight gain.

Now it is true that drinking unfiltered 
coffee in general will raise your LDL. And many physicians say, oh my gosh, 
if you're going to have coffee,   the last thing you wanna do is have 
boiled coffee or percolated coffee or   espresso because your LDL will go up 
and that, for the most part is true. Now, it turns out that a paper filter will absorb   some of the oils in coffee 
that actually raise LDL. So if you're really concerned about LDL,   then use a paper filter and please 
don't use a white paper filter. Use an unbleached one. But one of the great myths of heart disease 
that I've been fighting against for  years now   is that LDL per se contributes to 
the development of heart disease. Now, if you like the cholesterol theory 
of heart disease and it is a theory   and I don't particularly like it, but if you like 
it and that's ok, then LDL has to be oxidized.

It has to be rusty or rancid. It has to be activated to produce plaque. If it's not oxidized, I'm sorry, it's 
not gonna contribute to plaque formation. Now, it turns out and I've published this, 
the more polyphenols you have in your system,   including from coffee, the less your LDL oxidizes 
and the less sticky your blood vessels are and you   gotta have sticky blood vessels to have LDL, which 
would be activated, stick to your blood vessels. So if you don't have sticky blood vessels 
from eating or drinking lots of polyphenols. Then you don't have to worry about that. LDO. So we don't need to focus on our LDO. We need to focus on not oxidizing our LDO. And that's exactly what coffee consumption does. Now, one note I will make, don't 
have your coffee after dinner. Even decaf in some parts of the world, this is 
very common but it can not only lead to stomach   problems but coffee, even decaf coffee will relax 
what's called the lower esophageal sphincter. It's a trap door between your swallowing 
tube and your stomach and coffee.

And believe it or not, chocolate relaxes 
that sphincter so that if you have a big   meal and then follow it up with a 
cup of coffee and maybe a chocolate,   you might be one of those vulnerable persons 
who's going to get reflux when they go to bed. Now, the good news is if you 
follow my advice and don't eat,   finish eating three hours before you 
go to bed, then that point is moot. But most people have that late night 
dinner, late night coffee, even decaf   and maybe a piece of chocolate and they're 
suffering for several hours after the night. Now, it's true in many people that coffee 
consumption does temporarily raise blood sugar. The good news is you can add cinnamon 
to your coffee like the Viennese like   Viennese coffee or add allo allo as you know,   is a nonnutritive sweetener which feeds 
friendly bacteria and lowers blood sugar. So I use a in my coffee and I'm 
not doing it to make it sweet. I'm doing it to blood the sugar 
effect and feed my gut bacteria last.

But certainly not least, please, please,   please do not add cream or real sugar 
to your coffee or milk for that matter. You will cancel out all the amazing 
benefits of what we've just talked about. You do not want to add milk to your coffee. If you have to do it, take a tip from the Italians 
who make a little foam and have a espresso   macchiato with just a little topping of foam 
rather than having a latte or even a cappuccino. And please, please, please don't have 
one of these flavored coffee drinks   thinking you're going to get 
any benefit from the coffee. You're going to get a four or  calorie sugar bomb   that will have absolutely no benefit 
from what you think you're getting.

So if you really want to have it sweet 
and creamy use unsweetened coconut milk,   all or many of the MC T creamers that are 
available out there, they'll be perfectly fine. You'll get the creaminess 
and the texture you want,   but you'll get the benefits 
that you want from coffee. So enjoy your coffee, just enjoy it the right way. And you're gonna have some amazing health benefits   that the world has known about 
since coffee was discovered.

Four amazing episodes just like this one watch. Now, he is loaded with folate, iron and 
magnesium and potassium, magnesium and   potassium are two of the vitamins that most 
people are really profoundly deficient in..

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