BEGINNER’S 4 Minute Morning Workout – Get Moving in a Gentle Yet Effective Way!

Let's get started! This is our four-minute 
beginner morning workout. Now you know when you   start to workout first thing in the morning you're 
going to get all the blood flow going, you're   going to start releasing stress, and start your 
day off right! This is only going to take four   minutes. You have no excuse, doesn't matter your 
fitness level – let's get started! First thing   we want to do is just wake up the large muscle 
groups of our body. So I'm going to have you go   down. We're not going to go all the way down, 
we're just really going to be gentle on those   knees. Going a little bit halfway down to about 
a 45 degree angle and then power it up.

Go ahead   and set your intention for the day – what kind of 
day are you going to have? What kind of person are   you going to show up for? If anything goes wrong 
in the day, how can you navigate it prepping as   you do this workout? It's going to set you up for 
so much success. So let's think about it as we're   warming up these glutes, we're warming up these 
quads, let's think about one thing that could   happen today that could throw you off from having 
an amazing day. Think about it now, think about   what you could do to, role play you coming into 
that. For example let's say my computer, I have   an important meeting and it decides to shut down 
– right? What I'm going to do is I'm going to plan   to just stay calm, text all the people or just say 
you know what it's tech – I can do the call later.   Whatever you can do – take some deep breaths, set 
that intention, and what we're gonna do now is I'm   gonna have you take your hands up – bring them up 
and then when I come down I'm going to have you   really exhale out as you tuck in your abs.

and then really pull those abs in. Inhale and   exhale while we're doing this. Let's 
think about what we're grateful for   in our lives, setting the tone for the day, 
and let's go! Force, really tuck it in three,   two, and one. Nice job! Okay, getting the balance 
going – really important. I'm going to have you   pull that knee up, open, down. Nice job! Pull 
it up, open, down, if you want a little bit   more challenge go up straight and around, up and 

Nice work! Heart rate's going up right?   Thinking about who we can serve today, 
who's what's one person you can show up for   today. Let's go one more and then other leg. 
Either this open, down. This open down – if you   need to hold on to something – totally fine but 
really trying to practice that balance through   that body. It's going to pull that core in, it's 
going to balance the whole body – nice work. Almost there and good. Okay bringing it on down.   Okay you're gonna arch up, tucking 
your chin in, and then exhale down.   Nice job! Inhale – let's just do a few of 
these – and exhale warming up that spine,   tucking in our abs, warming up our pelvic floor. And good! Now going into nice tabletop. Right 
here – we're going to reach out with the   opposite hand and opposite leg. Really balancing 
everything on our back so we're not tipping over.   Pulling in that core, inhale, exhale. 
Really reach it out and stretch it out,   inhale and exhale.

Nice work. 
Inhale and exhale. Nice job! Three more! Three, two, beautiful and one! Good, okay to finish 
out strong we're gonna go right here putting   our hands here. If you need something under your 
knees go for it. I'm gonna have you just slightly   rock back, pulling in this, and exhale forward. 
Inhale just go only a little bit – even if it's   just a half an inch – you're definitely pulling 
in all the muscle groups throughout your core   and then exhale. Inhale and exhale nice work. 
Four more and then we are done we are warmed up,   we've done something good for ourselves, we've 
prepped our minds, our bodies, our spirits,   and ready to go for the day.

The last two and 
good… and last one and awesome job! I'm so   proud of you. Thank you for joining me this 
morning and I hope you have an amazing day!.

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