CDC: Tips From Former Smokers – Geri M.: Living with Stage 4 COPD

(Geri) I delivered mail. I was a letter carrier. Working at the post office
is a fast-paced job. You have to get in, get your
mail up and get to the streets so you can get the mail out
in a timely fashion. You're on your feet 99% of the
day, and, um, outside in the elements
and walking. And up and down steps and hills
or whatever terrain you may find
yourself in. You didn't have time to stop and
do anything but, you know, you take your break and then you
keep it movin'. It was, it was hard on the body. And some days I would come home
and all I could do was just collapse into bed because
the mail would be so heavy. But I loved my job and I loved
my customers. They were awesome.
Yeah, they still miss me. I learned I had COPD in 2004. It got to the point where I would take a few steps and I
couldn't breathe. I just had to stop –
had to stop. 2014, I had to leave my job.
I couldn't work.

It's not a one size fits all
disease. Everybody is different. Everybody's end stage and first
stage is different. There are people that have COPD
that is in the end stage and they're bedridden. I don't sit down and dwell on
what's gonna happen. I just try to seize the moment and enjoy what I can while
I can..

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