EARTHING Health Benefits, Bioelectricity, and Geophysics

hi everyone welcome back to my channel if you're 
new here my name is Stefan and today we're going   to talk about one of the easiest and simplest 
things you can do to radically improve your health   today and that's known as grounding also known as 
earthing now i feel i'm in a unique position to   talk about the benefits of earthing and grounding 
because i'm a geophysicist and i've also been   writing and researching and experimenting in the 
health and wellness sphere for more than 10 years   now so those two help me to overlap and see how 
the geophysics of the earth and how the actual   electrical processes that happen here on our 
planet influence our bioelectrical system   and therefore influence our health from the 
foundation up now this video will talk about   like what is earthing in the first place the 
bioelectrical effects of earthing we'll talk about   uh the health benefits of earthy in which there's 
a ton the geophysics of earthing and then also   how you can incorporate earthing into your 
lifestyle and a few different ways you can do that   so to get started what is earthing 
well it's really simple i'm out here   on location for this video because i felt that 
was important i wanted to be grounded while   doing this video and i'll be using the words 
grounding and earthing interchangeably okay   because they're one of the same thing this right 
here that's earthing me putting my bare foot on   the ground is earthing now the reason that is is 
that the earth is electrically conductive there   are free electrons that travel through the earth 
and the human body is also electrically conductive   we have 1300 nerve endings per square inch on the 
sole of our feet and our hands are also incredibly   dense in nerve endings in a couple other 
parts of our body so when you put an   electrically conductive thing into contact with 
something else that's electrically conductive   you get a flow of electrons between them so 
right now the earth because it has free electrons   it's now moving up through my foot through my 
leg and then of course through my entire body   and you can also do earthing just like 
sitting here and lotus for example   but earthing at a very very very simple level is 
basically just putting yourself into electrical   contact with the ground with the earth so you 
can equalize your electric charge because your   heart generates an electromagnetic field 
your brain has an electromagnetic field   your nervous system is all basically charges 
that move up and down through your body as   you eat and as you move around and as you do 
various things you build up electric charge in   your body you can measure this with the voltmeter 
and the bioelectrical system of the body works   best when you're neutral and stable to the 
ground surface when you have odd and imbalanced   electrical charges in your body that influences 
a whole bunch of things which we'll get into   so earthing at its just base level is basically 
getting in contact with the electrical potential   of the earth and then equalizing your charge to it 
now that leads into what is bioelectricity and how   earthing kind of interacts with bioelectricity let 
me go into that a little bit more the human body   is bioelectrical so what we're realizing more and 
more now is that bioelectricity sits at the base   of all human biology and physiology and psychology 
and everything and it's our bioelectrical system   that determines a lot of things in regards to 
our health and wellness the term determines our   cardiac health it determines how much inflammation 
there is in the body it determines gene expression   how your dna actually expresses what genes turn 
on and what genes turn off which of course affects   like like i was going to say a million more 
like a billion things in the body or more   and it also affects just it can affect your mood 
your mental health your bioelectricity is really   everything so let me give you a really 
good example of this there's a study of   electrobiology known as morphogenetics and 
morphogenetics is basically talking about   your morphogenetic field how your body expresses 
itself in space-time and they did this really   interesting study where they took a tadpole embryo 
and the tadpole of course is growing and they   see the little brain there and so they took two 
probes and they measured the electrical voltage   of that tadpole across the brain and they got a 
certain value let's call it seven right so they   measured electrical voltage gradient of like seven 
across that brain tissue then they took that same   gradient and applied it to a different 
part of the tadpole so instead of just   recording it this time they applied it 
to the tadpole's tail and this is while   the tadpole's still growing so it has a whole 
bunch of undifferentiated stem cells and things   of that nature and basically what they found 
was that as they applied that voltage gradient   to the tadpole's tail it started to grow brain 
tissue there the the tail the cells of the tail   changed their expression fundamentally in a 
very large way to go from just being muscle   and connective tissue and sinew maybe a little 
bit of bone and they became heart brain tissue   and then what they did is before they applied 
that voltage gradient they measured the voltage   gradient of the tail then they applied the 
voltage gradient at the tail again and that   brain tissue which was forming in the tail became 
a tail again so this this this experiment they   did was with a tadpole fairly not as a complex 
of a life form as us but what it shows is that   these voltage gradients that run through our body 
and these uh currents these electrical currents   and the magnetic fields that our heart and our 
brain produce are super super super fundamental   to biology into our physiology so when you 
are grounding you are fundamentally changing   when you are grounding you are fundamentally 
changing your uh human bioelectricity and you're   doing it in a way that is actually how we evolved 
we evolved in contact with the earth for millions   and millions and millions of years it's it's very 
abnormal now actually that we have been wearing   shoes insulating rubber on the bottom right 
i mean this is a leather leather top but   you don't have any electrical flow almost no 
electrical flow from the earth to the uh to me my   foot inside the shoe with this rubber in between 
so this recent invention has actually completely   changed our bioelectrical system and how it 
expresses itself and then you have things like   we're living in high-rise buildings which are more 
disconnected from the earth and then often they're   made of things like wood or there's vinyl flooring 
there's a lot of plastic our modern life now has   more of an insulating layer in between us and the 
earth and that changes human electrophysiology at   a fundamental level and researchers who have 
looked into the health effects of earthing   have actually shown and have the general opinion 
that the human body is fundamentally different   when it's earthed than when it's not earth 
when it's grounded and when it's not grounded   so let's talk about that now we'll talk about the 
health benefits of earthing and they're very very   numerous and kind of at the base layer we'll start 
they they interlink a lot so i i'm going to start   kind of the base and then work my way out at 
the base layer what you're doing is you're   neutralizing electric charges in your body to the 
stable relatively stable electric field potential   of the earth and then in addition to 
that since you're now more stable with   the earth you also assist the flow of energy 
through your body because electrical charges   have this um polarity effect so if you are 
relatively neutral to the earth energy can   flow through your body easier and you can think 
about this in terms of like the chakra system   and the meridian system or you can just think of 
it in terms of just how your nervous system works   right do you uh are able to stick your hand out 
when you want or is it shaky the whole time right   so grounding stabilizes your nervous system it 
reduces unwanted electrical charges in your body   it brings in a flow of free electrons that 
neutralize free radicals and by doing this   it reduces inflammation in the body so overall 
this has this really kind of stabilizing influence   on the nervous system and the the main way 
that expresses itself is that it increases   parasympathetic activity you have your autonomic 
nervous system which is your largely unconscious   nervous system that regulates your heart rate 
and your breathing and things like respiration   and your autonomic nervous system has a 
sympathetic state and a parasympathetic state your   sympathetic state is the one that activates when 
your stress it's your fight or flight response   so you see something that's stressful 
and adrenaline kicks up cortisol kicks up   most people live in a sympathetic dominant 
lifestyle you could say then there's your   parasympathetic state and your parasympathetic 
state is your rest and digest or your feed and   breed state so you're more relaxed cortisol is 
going down muscle activity is a little bit more   like your autonomic nervous system muscle activity 
is more just uh harmonious and coherent the waves   and muscle activity of your gut are very much 
just rhythmic things of that nature so grounding   by connecting to the earth you're increasing 
your parasympathetic nervous system activity   something most people are heavily deficient 
in nowadays so those are the nervous system   benefits when you go from the nervous system 
benefits we'll now look at the cardiac benefits   because the nervous system influences the heart 
greatly and vice versa so one of the things that   earthing does is it reduces your uh chance of 
having arrhythmias which is like uh skipped   heartbeats and just weak heartbeats and just out 
of order uh heartbeats things that aren't rhythmic   they're not in time so it reduces your chance 
of that because you have less random electrical   voltages in your body everything's more stable 
it also improves your heart rate variability now   heart rate variability is really interesting it's 
one of the best measures of sudden mortality and   also on the best measures of stress it's really 
simple when you breathe and just throughout your   day-to-day your heart rate changes it goes from 
let's say 60 beats per minute to like 80 back to   60 and this is a very normal cycle it's mostly 
governed by your breathing when you breathe in   heart rate increases when you breathe out 
it slows down a bit so your heart rate   variability will go like this if it's very 
healthy it'll go up and down up and down up   and down and very continuous sinusoidal manner 
okay now if you don't have a healthy cardiac   system your heart rate variability condenses it 
reduces you don't have as great of a variability   so what they've shown with grounding is that it 
actually improves your heart rate variability   it takes you from let's say just having a slightly 
variable heartbeat to one that's greater one that   can have these bigger waves and that's related 
to a whole bunch of things but to keep it simple   grounding improves heart rate variability which 
is very very important for your cardiac health   grounding also improves something 
this is one of the biggest things   grounding improves something known as 
your zeta potential now blood cells have a   surface negative charge on them to stop themselves 
from clumping together and sticking together   because you have these small capillaries in 
the body small veins and you don't want blood   cells to be clumped together or not able to push 
through those very very small blood vessels so   they have what's known as a zeta potential they 
have this negative charge and when you're in   contact with the earth this is sensor electrons 
right electrons have a negative charge you're   exposing yourself to a more negative charge than 
what your body has of that moment so grounding   improves the zeta potential of red blood cells and 
that stops red blood cells from clumping together   and you can take uh blood tissue or blood samples 
and put them on under a microscope and look at how   they clump from before and after grounding they've 
done that it's really clear so that improves zeta   potential which it takes a lot of stress off of 
your heart it helps blood to circulate better   it reduces blood viscosity which is one of those 
things that most people with heart disease have   really poor blood viscosity because they're super 
ungrounded so improves data potential grounding   also like improves your cholesterol parameters 
and lowers triglycerides and lower ldl cholesterol   and the reason why it lowers ldl cholesterol 
is because it reduces inflammation in the body   which we'll get to in a little bit that's actually 
like one of the biggest things that grounding does   but overall grounding has a very beneficial effect 
on the cardiac system and for stabilizing the   beneficial rhythms of your heart to how they 
like to basically flow in addition to that   grounding also benefits your gut health and 
one of the main reasons why is you have what's   known as gut motility this is the transit of food 
through your stomach and your intestines and you   digest food better and you have less gut health 
issues when your gut motility is normal and gut   motility is determined by the smooth muscle 
activity of your gut so the smooth muscles   surround the intestines and they're part of the 
autonomic nervous system so they're not regulated   consciously and they contract and pulse through 
peristaltic waves and that moves food through   your digestive system so when you're grounded 
and you have a stable electrical potential   your smooth muscle activity normalizes and 
becomes more regular it's not all blocked up   for two hours and then pushing all your food 
through really quickly it's giving food even   amounts of time through every single part of the 
stomach and small intestine and large intestine   because each part of the gut absorbs different 
nutrients and performs different functions so   they're all very important and food needs to 
transit through them smoothly for your gut to be   healthy so grounding benefits gut health it 
can reduce constipation it can reduce diarrhea   it can improve things like ibs which is a 
gut health condition a lot of people have   that's irritable bowel syndrome and it can also 
improve gut health because it reduces inflammation   and that helps with things like leaky gut that 
helps with things like food intolerances and the   list goes on inflammation is like the root cause 
of like 80 plus diseases chronic and otherwise so   the fact that it reduces inflammation is super 
huge we'll get to that now grounding is one of   the best things you can do to reduce inflammation 
in your body now inflammation is caused   by a variety of factors one of the main ones being 
free radicals and free radicals are basically   positive ions that can react with 
things and then that can break   molecular structures or break things apart and 
free uh free radicals aren't necessarily bad   but when they're left unchecked and they just kind 
of go out of control than they are because you can   use the body uses free radicals to trigger 
healing when something needs to be broken   down and healed that's in the inflammation 
process isn't a bad thing when it's done   to the right degree but if it's left unchecked 
then everything goes haywire and now you have a   chronic inflammation in the body and now you're 
starting to disrupt and destroy healthy tissues   and put undue stress on the body so by stabilizing 
your body to the electrical potential of the earth   this relatively stable electrical potential 
of the earth you greatly reduce inflammation   and that greatly reduces pain when you are 
earthing off in you have a lot less pain   if you have a let's say chronic pain in your 
back or you have arthritis rheumatoid or other   otherwise or stomach pain or there's a whole 
bunch of different types of pains we all know them   grounding reduces that pain because it reduces 
free radicals and reduces inflammation now   grounding can also reduce pain that's induced 
like delayed onset muscle soreness or from a   hard workout so if you are exercising a lot 
or you did a really big workout things of that   nature grounding will reduce that pain because it 
reduces muscle protein breakdown there's just less   nitrogen waste that's created less muscle and 
less proteins broken down when you do something   grounded versus when you don't do it grounded 
and that all again relates to that foundational   bioelectrical system and how it functions it 
also improves things like your flexibility   so by improving your electrical charges in your 
body that helps your muscles to relax better and   it does a whole bunch of things it improves your 
glaucoma if you have glaucoma improves renal   function grounding is one of those things that 
touches your bioelectrical physiology at its very   very base it's like a master master switch for 
your health and wellness so if you have any sort   of health problem and you're not grounding then 
you should be grounding every single day because   that's super important that will undoubtedly help 
you with whatever issue you have and it's not like   you can prescribe grounding like okay i have this 
specific problem i'm going to go out and i know   grounding will fix it but grounding will fix and 
help you heal whatever health issues you have so   you can't necessarily direct it it will just do 
what it needs to do and we evolve to be in contact   with the earth so your body knows what it needs 
and knows how to equalize its charges just trust   the whole process and just spend sufficient time 
out here so i'll quickly go into uh kind of like   how these free electrons are created this is 
the geophysics of grounding the earth is a giant   battery it's fed by constant solar radiation 
and also by radioactive decay in the core   and also the mantle and the crust this just 
puts energy into the earth and the earth overall   has a electric charge when the earth's surface 
has an electric charge if you compare it to other   parts of the earth like the ionosphere if you go 
up into the atmosphere 40 kilometers 50 kilometers   100 kilometers you have an atmospheric layer known 
as the ionosphere and the ionosphere is basically   where solar radiation uv radiation has taken gas 
molecules and split their bonds and now you have   these positive ions floating around you have 
some electrons too but overall the ionosphere   has a charge of like 250 000 to 500 000 volts so 
you have this positive charge up here and then   you have this negative charge down here because 
every positive requires a negative to be balanced   and as you go up the atmosphere you have a 
voltage gradient that occurs so if you're standing   at the top of your head you have about 350 to 
400 volts but because air is a poor conductor   you don't get zapped and that's called the 
umbrella effect now when you have a storm system   when uh when water vapor moves through the air and 
there's a little bit of friction you can start to   develop charges in the atmosphere and that can 
develop a storm system and with a storm system   positive charge will develop underneath the storm 
and at the bottom of the rain cloud you'll have or   storm cloud you'll have a negative charge at the 
top you'll have a positive charge and then you   have the ionosphere again positive up there and 
when that storm cloud discharges via lightning   that shoots a whole bunch of free electrons into 
the earth so the electrical potential of the earth   that happens to go into the atmosphere is fed 
back into the earth via lightning strikes of   which there's 50 to like 150 every single second 
so they're constantly popping off and these create   magneto to alert currents that travel through the 
earth and overall there's a whole soup and sea of   free electrons that aren't bound to any single 
molecule they're able to move and flow to where   where they're attracted to so being electrically 
conductive when you put yourself into contact   with the ground those free electrons flow through 
your body and that's in general the geophysics of   earthing now here's how you can actually practice 
everything here's here's what you can do to   incorporate everything into your life to enjoy all 
those health and wellness benefits of which i've   covered some of there's much more in my earthing 
article you can check out the video description to   read that but the way you can earth the simplest 
way you can resist to simply walk around barefoot   just go to the park and put your foot on the 
ground go barefoot for 20 minutes at the park   run around or do some yoga or just stand there and 
meditate for a little bit or just you can also sit   down like as i am right now i'm grounded right now 
because i've been sitting on the ground now for   15 20 minutes electrons flow through your feet 
really easily in your hands because there's a   lot of nerve endings here but they'll also work 
up through your base of your spine and start to   go like this and go through your entire body and 
if you're grounding in this manner if you're out   at a park or you're at the beach for example or 
maybe it's not a grass field but you're in contact   with the earth then you can expect it to take 15 
20 30 minutes to get fully grounded in that manner   another way you can get grounded that's really 
really really good is to go for a swim especially   in conductive bodies of water that would be like 
the ocean where there's a lot of dissolved salts   because the more ions in solution the more 
electrons can flow between them and the more   conductive the water is so water like seawater is 
really really conductive and what's great about   swimming is that you'll be in the water typically 
for a while and your entire body is immersed so   you have free electrons from every single part 
going in and neutralizing your bioelectricity   simultaneously whereas if you're grounding like 
this it kind of moves up through your nervous   system like that and it takes some time swimming 
is really rapid taking a shower will also help   ground you though fresh water like tap water is 
not going to be super super conductive as compared   to sea water but it still definitely grounds 
you it helps to sweep some of this electrical   charge out of your body so if you're feeling super 
ungrounded and i think we all kind of understand   what that means individually if you're feeling 
super ungrounded you can go outside go for a walk   barefoot you can go to the beach lay down go for 
a swim you can take a shower if you're at home you   can even just touch a conductive object again this 
is just a connection between conductive objects   we're just facilitating a transfer of charge so if 
you have a good understanding of this and you see   a conductive object let's say some metal railing 
outside of the grocery store you can just put your   hand on that and some of your charge will flow 
through you and depending on how long you hold   on to that metal railing and how well grounded 
and uncharged it is the faster it'll occur   so there's a whole bunch of ways to get grounded 
you can also get grounded while you sleep with   something like an earthy mat or a blanket 
they also have like pillowcases or patches   for localized grounding relief if you use any of 
those products like an earthing blanket or a mat   i recommend that you don't plug it into the 
ground system of your house because the ground   system of your house is surrounded by all the 
power wires and also it's right there with your   wi-fi everything so it's picking up a lot of this 
electromagnetic junk that's ready in your house   i recommend you take a grounding rod and actually 
put it outside in your lawn far away from any   power lines or underground lines really make sure 
it's in some nice isolated virgin ground drive it   in connect the shielded wire to your blanket to 
that rod and just check it every once in a while   to make sure it doesn't get nibbled or something 
but that's the best way you can get grounded for   sleeping and grounded while sleeping is one of 
the best things you can do that's your natural   like time of the day that your body regenerates 
so to put yourself into a grounded state for like   five six eight hours or more perhaps every 
single day is super transformative for your   health if you have any sort of long-term chronic 
problems and even if you're already healthy you'll   definitely notice good benefits from it so 
one tip for how you can improve your grounding   is you can use something like peppermint oil 
i've noticed that peppermint oil activates   bioelectricity so if you want to improve the 
whole effect you can simply just put some   on the bottom of your foot like that and then as 
you're walking around the park or doing whatever   you'll notice that the whole grounding effect 
is much faster you can also put this along your   spine so the the bioelectricity moves up easier 
and you can put it let's say on your limbs but   typically if i'm using peppermint oil to help 
facilitate the flow of bioelectrical energy   i'm putting it on my spine and i'm also putting 
some here and putting a little bit there and   a little bit on the back of my head so that's 
grounding i hope you enjoyed this video i have   a whole article on this where i go more in depth 
so you can check that out in the video description   and you can also check out a complete 
earthing starter kit from amazon in the   video description that has a blanket and a mat 
and a pillow case and patches and that's really   good if you're more limited in your ability 
to go outside often i highly recommend that   because you shouldn't let lifestyle limitations 
stop you from grounding it's what we evolved to do   it fundamentally changes your physiology and your 
gene expression and your bioelectricity it's one   of the best things you can do for your health 
so if you don't have the ability to run around   and do yoga at the park every day kind of like 
i do then the earthing starting pack is really   really key because you'll be grounding while you 
sleep perhaps you'll use the mat and you'll be   grounded while you're at the computer you can use 
the the blanket while you're watching tv you can   be grounded really really often if you're more of 
a home buddy and that's really really important   for your health especially if you have chronic 
diseases grounding itself is free you can it's   one of the best health and wellness things you 
can do is totally free because it's just basically   utilizing understanding of our physiology so i 
hope you found this video on grounding useful   and there's a whole bunch of resources in 
the video description please check those   out if you like the video give it a thumbs up 
that helps me out and for more content like   this just please subscribe you'll see those as 
they come out i'm making a whole bunch of videos   on human bioelectricity and herbalism and energy   and geophysics and all the things so if you like 
this type of stuff or science meets spirituality   please give it a like give it a subscribe 
and i'll see you all in the next video ciao

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