How Quickly Does Grounding Start To Benefit Your Body? (Laura Koniver MD)

hey it's dr laura koniver and today i want 
to answer the question how long should you   ground for each day my goal in this video is 
to show you that there is no time too short   and also no time too long to be grounded i'm 
going to tell you about the instantaneous health   benefits that you get from touching the earth that 
quickly and then how the benefits accrue over time   over minutes over hours and over days and what 
the medical literature has to tell us about that   now on my website i have a page 
called medical studies where i have   all of the medical studies over the past three 
decades now that have been published in the   medical literature that show these health benefits 
so if you want to read the literature for yourself   go over to my website at 
and find the medical studies button and it's   all waiting for you i link you over to 
the original medical study so you can read   directly from the journal and also i have lots of 
articles where i've described in detail how the   studies were performed and what the results mean 
so if you want to dive deeper i suggest going over   to my website but today's video is just going to 
be a quick review so that you really realize there   is no time too short if you can touch the earth 
just for a minute i would do it and here's why   within just seconds your muscle tension throughout 
your body decreases we can measure that on an emg   so if you have fibromyalgia or you're starting to 
get that tension headache it is very worth going   outside and touching the earth and you will notice 
instantly your muscles relax on top of that your   brain patterned your brain waves actually shift 
pretty instantaneously as well that is seen on   an eeg so your brain goes into a relaxed healing 
state alpha brainwave patterns so you might find   pretty quickly that your mood actually lifts 
on top of that your body voltage and your skin   conductance immediately changes so skin muscles 
and brain are all very instantaneously affected   by getting grounded by plugging into the earth 
if you're able to stay there for minutes and by   minutes i mean at least 15 but 30 anything under 
an hour let's say about a half hour this is what   the medical literature has to say about what the 
earth can do in that period of time what happens   over time is that your circulation improves your 
blood viscosity goes down so your blood is able to   move more freely and the capillaries open up 
so now blood is being distributed throughout   your body more effectively and this was shown in 
medical studies looking at grounding through your   foot and looking at the capillaries in the face so 
your vagal tone improves in just minutes to hours   and that affects your basal metabolic function it 
affects your oxygenation oxygenation is increased   it affects your heart your heart rate variability 
is boosted so your heart is actually functioning   better it supports your digestion your entire 
digestive tract is supported by that vagal nerve   so when you first touch the earth it's relief 
your brain starts to calm and your muscles   start to relax and then when you sustain that for 
minutes to hours your organ system is optimized   because your vagal tone is supported and your 
circulation is improved and your metabolism is   improved what happens if you sustain that for days 
and weeks and months now you're not just seeing   body benefits but you're actually seeing the 
resiliency of the body so it went from relief   instantaneously to recovery over minutes to hours 
to resiliency when you become grounded daily and   this is part of your healing routines every single 
day that muscle damage is actually decreased and   what that translates into is that you're less sore 
on a daily basis from your exertion during the day   your bones are protected because the indicators 
for osteoporosis actually go down as your minerals   stabilize so now your bones are being more 
protected your metabolism has been boosted   as we talked about from the digestive tract the 
vagal tone being boosted and also a boost to your   thyroid but what might that translate into over 
days weeks and months that might be weight loss   you might find that your metabolism is improved to 
the point where you're losing weight and i was so   intrigued by that i personally studied that with 
some of my own patients it was a very informal   study and i ran it for 10 weeks so two and a half 
months of grounding every day no change to diet no   extra exercising nothing different just grounding 
every day and after two and a half months most   patients lost about a pound a week over the 
10 weeks it was anywhere from a four pound to   a 15 pound weight loss which is fantastic medical 
studies looking at brain function while you sleep   grounded show that the brain stays in healing 
patterns of sleep deeper more restorative sleep   and so when you do this day after day after 
day and also your cortisol starts going down   your insomnia is relieved you sleep better so 
your time sleep is restored and in the day your   energy is restored you're actually becoming 
more resilient your muscles are less sore   your metabolism has gotten a boost you might 
have experienced some weight loss at this point   you probably have felt pain reduced and your 
inflammation in your body is just coming down   so now you're more resilient to whatever 
you face every single day if your goal is to   just get instantaneous relief and you want to go 
outside and i highly recommend grounding outdoors   through all the seasons and because i wanted 
to give suggestions and ideas for what to do   when it's cold out or when you live in a city 
or if you have a particular healing goal what   activities can you do outside that match with 
your specific healing goals i wrote a book called   the earth prescription it's all about getting 
outside to ground and all the health benefits   from doing it to the earth naturally the earth 
prescription is going to be a companion guide   to get you outside and get grounding to be part 
of daily wellness just like putting your seatbelt   on every single day just like drinking water every 
single day we should be outside touching the earth   every single day and the earth prescription will 
tell you how to do it if you want the benefits of   hours of grounding sleeping grounded overnight 
and grounding for weeks and grinding for months   then you're probably talking about using indoor 
grounding tools because most of us can't spend   days and weeks and months directly outside on 
the earth so we bring grounding indoors through   the use of conductive grounding tools and that 
allows you to sleep grounded overnight so there   really weren't any eco-friendly grounding tools 
which to me doesn't make sense because we're   recognizing that the earth provides support to our 
health directly through grounding and indirectly   through food and through water and through air 
so we really depend on the earth for our physical   health and so creating products that are going 
to sit in a landfill made out of plastic or   leatherette or vinyl polyester sheets for 500 
years sitting in a landfill long after we're   gone that doesn't really make sense to me because 
we really want to preserve and it should go hand   in hand that as your health improves you also 
care that the health of the earth is sustained so   since there were not any eco-friendly tools 
out there i started having them made myself   hand sewn per order there's no waste they're not 
bulk mass produced they're not shipped overseas   they're made right here made using all 
natural materials or organic materials   that biodegrade and that are healthy for 
your skin to be against as you're sleeping   for hours and hours and hours all night long so 
you can find these grounding tools that include   a grounding bed roll that's easy to travel with or 
a grounding mattress panel so you can get your bed   grounded you can find these in other all natural 
eco-ethically produced grounding tools on my   website in my grounding boutique and that's at and they're waiting for   you there so when physicians look at an eeg 
and they're looking at brainwave electrical   patterns and they're having that printout 
they're looking at the dc energy of the brain   when physicians look at an ekg looking at the 
heartbeat you know that classic little heartbeat   line is actually a line measuring the dc energy of 
your heart when we look at emgs which is measuring   the conductance of your muscles we're looking at 
the conductance of dc energy that allows you to   move your body so dc energy is super important 
to us and that's what is the natural energy of   the earth outside it's not the fake artificial 
man-made ac energy this is the natural predominant   energy of the universe and so when we go outside 
and we touch the earth we immediately our highly   conductive bodies become part of this dc global 
circuit and puts our body into a healing state   and it feels like relief and that's because the 
earth is constantly pulsing with this dc energy   sometimes called the schumann resonance it's 
the heartbeat of the earth and it is a constant   it's constantly there it's constantly pulsing 
out it takes one touch of one finger one toe   any part of your conductive body touching any part 
of the conductive earth outside including touching   a tree including standing in a puddle including 
any conductive element that's outside sidewalks   are conductive metal is conductive touching your 
dog if you're at a dog park and you just bend down   and you're petting your dog for a minute you're 
grounded through your dog so there's tons of ways   to get just little pulses of that beautiful dc 
energy that the earth is constantly giving us   through grounding just for a few seconds to 
minutes and we feel that and we feel that relief   the benefit to grounding over days and weeks and 
months and years is that then we become plugged   into the second dc output of the earth and that's 
called the carnegie curve so the carnegie curve   is a daily 24-hour rhythm that's measured all over 
the globe and not only is it a 24-hour rhythm that   really orients your body to day and night but it's 
also seasonal and it really helps orient us to   what season we're in when we're standing on this 
planet which is why grounding one of its first   applications was to ameliorate jet lag because the 
earth informs you where you are what time of day   it is and what season we're in really orient us 
and get our circadian rhythm corrected and also   seasonally really orient us to maybe hibernating 
and relaxing and restoring and nurturing and   cocooning in the winter and then in the spring 
waking back up feeling more energy moving getting   inspired getting creative these are all the 
benefits i believe of being not only synced   in instantaneously to that schumann resonance but 
being connected year round to that carnegie curve   so that we really our bodies our natural bodies 
become part of this natural universe that we   live in so remember there's instantaneous benefits 
there is nothing that's too short if you can just   touch the earth for one split second i would do 
it because that is going to connect you to that dc   energy and instantaneously allow your body to go 
into a healing state those brain waves start to   go into a healing pattern and your muscles 
start to really relax and over time when   our body is oriented to that carnegie curve you 
see that benefits really do accrue and you start   feeling better so i hope that was really helpful 
and if you have any questions please ask me   and if you want more support and more 
information about grounding go to my   website there's organic ecoethical grounding tools 
there as well as my book the earth prescription   that'll really inspire you to get outside every 
day and that's really what our bodies are craving

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