Multiple Sclerosis (MS) – Get Your Body Moving Daily

hi I'm Jen de Tracy and welcome to another episode episode number six of my messy house because a mess is raw and real so today we're gonna talk about another random thought not before we do for those of you just turning in my messy house is a metaphor for the messiness that happens up here at this level in the in the brain right to those those thoughts that creep in over and over and again and take over and create the messiness in our life and when you live with MS there is definitely messiness all those layers that show up you know and it's a variable depending on the day one of the things that I struggle with is in my voice in my voice box so sometimes my voice will kind of you know struggle so you may experience that the random thought for today let me just think cuz it just disappeared but I'm gonna bring it back I remember when I was I was going to the physiotherapist and this physiotherapist I was going to was for people with neurology neurological challenges and it was amazing this woman actually was and I shouldn't say actually that's kind of a funny way to put it was in a wheelchair so it's the first time I ever had a physiotherapist that you know moves around in a wheelchair it was kind of cool and one of the things she said to me when I said you know the fatigue that I have is you know some days I don't leave the house for days and and I'm fortunate because I am mobile so I can get around on my two legs and I don't need a device to do that and I hope and pray that that will continue to happen but I know not everybody watching this video is in that circumstance you're probably on various scales around mobility and MS and then and one thing that the physiotherapist Jill said to me what she said you know it's important that you get out every day even if you're just going around the block just walk around the block go around the block get some fresh air and get moving and I thought about that and I thought well that's a great idea so you know it's one thing to have a great idea and it's another thing to take action on that idea I mean I could see the value of doing that so what I've done is I've more I've incorporated that more and more into my life do I get out every day no there's some days that I don't it may be pissing rain it might be super cold super hot and I don't leave the house however I am aware I'm aware that the importance of this and I'm aware of how my body likes it and appreciates it so I'm consciously aware of it which is really about when we talk about the my messy house the first step is having consciousness around something to be aware of it that's the first step the next step is to put sort of things in place to ensure that happens so there was a time I was taking a coaching course to get my coaching certification and these were long like three hour and 15 minute classes at a time which was not like the ideal brain time for me from 6:00 p.m.

Till quarter after 9:00 at night so that was a lot for my for this little brain of mine that's dealing with MS on a day-to-day basis one of the things I started to do was I said okay I've got a 15 minute break I'm gonna go around the block you know because I'm sitting for a long period of time which is a great unless that's the position you're in that year that you have to be in because you can't stand and or it's hard to stand I just want to acknowledge that and so I would go out and and do the walk and if I did have time to do the whole block because these blocks you know I live in Montreal it blocks they're weird they're like a really long one way and then they're short and then they're long again so when you're doing a whole block it's probably like walking like three or four blocks for some people depending you know what city I live in our town so anyway so I would do those and you know it really helped it helps kind of switch my mind into a different place and it's amazing when you're when you're moving whether you're using a device to help you move and you're physically moving how that can change how the brain operates and I found that very fascinating too to have that experience and go through it and it truly is for me a reminder that just taking that 10 minutes or that 15 minutes to get out number one to get fresh air really that makes a big difference and and then secondly to get the body moving in some way can be very powerful and it really can affect and diminish or temper the messy house and that we experience so I'm Jen – Tracy thank you for joining me for this episode of my messy house because a mess is real and raw feel free to the scrub I was gonna say describe but I mean sub saw subscribe just press that red button so you can be informed about more episodes as well as I'd love to hear from you you know we're in this journey together so write your comments below like share do what you want to do to spread the love around the message and the learning that comes with these conversations that we're having and thanks so much for joining me today see you soon

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