Sleep Hypnosis For Bedtime Total Relaxation Guided Meditation Let Go of Anxiety Worries and Stress

Hello my name is Matt, and I welcome you
to this sleep hypnosis for bedtime. A hypnotic total relaxation guided
meditation we have created to guide you through the skills already available to
you, to let go of anxiety worries and stress. And I wonder how you would feel
knowing that we've continued practice you will learn to free yourself from the
flow of unhelpful thoughts overcome insomnia and easily drift down and
experience a deep restful sleep. At Self Health Hypnosis we believe
there is always light somewhere in the darkness guiding you to discover your
personal strengths and be the hero of your own journey. So I wonder when you
will choose to start a new story? As we believe there is a part of you that
wants to help you heal and perhaps there is a part of you that can help you learn
new skills to fall asleep with ease.

I will suggest that you take time now to
prepare yourself and find peace to find an environment where you can focus on
you and allow yourself to relax and in your own way find calm and I will give
you a minute or so to find quiet and to ready yourself for calm to close doors
curtains or blinds and it is wonderful that you have taken this time for
yourself to discover the resources within you so you might just like to
carefully listen to my instructions as we ready you to search within yourself
now and to find the skills already available now to choose peace
and comfort and I am confident you have noticed we live in a world that bombards
our senses and competes for our captive attention and it is with our so-called
conscious mind that we maintain our sense of self-importance and through
that sense of self we justify our internal thoughts our behaviors and
actions but I wonder if like me you find
yourself questioning the utility of many of your own thoughts and actions and
perhaps like me you have many behaviors and habits you want to change and maybe
you have even noticed that an awareness of our unhelpful habits is not always
enough to make a change and to do something different now the great
psychologist Milton H Erickson observed that as people we tend to rely upon the
limited capacities of our conscious mind for direction and support even though
our unconscious mind has more resources and a better sense of reality and the perhaps you have observed this
when we reach out to catch an object to scratch an itch what a straighten our
hair without giving it a conscious thought and it is likely you already
realize that without realizing it we rely upon our unconscious to master the
complex skills and provide many of the insights we need to excel in everyday
life walking talking driving a car finding unique solutions to puzzles
suddenly remembering something relevant and even the ability to focus and become
absorbed just like you are doing now and even the ability to simply ignore any
distracting sensations and perceptions all depend on the unconscious so when you are ready and in your own
time finding a comfortable position in your soft warm bed perhaps feeling your
body sink into your mattress noticing how your limbs your torso and each and
every muscle in your body settles and remembers what it feels like each time
you get into your bed pull the covers over you and relax in fact right now you may remember a
time you felt very comfortable and very safe and you may remember whatever you
need to relax deeply now haven't you and maybe as you relax into your comfortable
bed your eyes starting to blink your eyes are starting to close perhaps your eyes are feeling tired and
your eyelids heavy and you can be aware of your eyes and of how you are in
control and how you could close them should you wish and that's fine just
close them a moment and you may want to drift down into a deep state of trance because as you relax your eyes closed
you are already halfway there that's right and with your eyes closed you can begin
to relax though at first you may be more aware of some things than you were
before the sounds outside or even inside the room the relaxing tone of my voice the sensations in your hands or in your
feet maybe the thoughts and images that drift into your mind automatically because with your eyes closed it becomes
easier and easier to become more and more aware of a variety of things that otherwise would be overlooked or ignored thoughts feelings sensations and the
alteration of awareness as the mind begins to experience that gradual
letting go perhaps even letting go of any effort it takes to be aware of
exactly where your arms are positioned or your hands even your fingers and even
the effort it takes to be aware of which leg seems to relax more quickly or
completely and the other but the simple truth is that it takes
time to experience that letting go in your own time and in your own way as you
begin to learn even more than before about your own ability to relax and let
go and the mind begins to flow down to that place of quietness and calm
awareness a place that almost seems to give off
signals that direct awareness down toward it into it more and more
completely a place of effortless relaxation and
letting go where even the effort it takes to be aware of the sound of my
voice all the meaning of my words may almost seem to be too much effort to
bother making and it's so much easier to relax and allow events to occur almost
by themselves a drifting down and a drifting back upwards toward the surface
of wakeful awareness at times and that's fine it all belongs to you because you have a conscious mind and an
unconscious mind and that unconscious mind the back of your mind can continue
to hear to understand and to respond to those
things I might say without a need for you to do anything at all it's so much easier for that conscious
mind to just get out of the way and to just allow you to relax and enjoy that
drifting down into that place of quiet calmness and effortless awareness of
many things different without needing to make an effort even to remember exactly
how to make the effort it might take to notice the exact position of your
arms or legs your entire body of the arms that feel warm and heavy and the
legs that feel warm and heavy because your entire body feel so warm and heavy
tired comfortable and relaxed that part of your being perhaps it is
your body or you are directed by your greater unconscious mind the storehouse
of your inner resources that clearly sees your reality and wants to embody
through you an experience that is better and I wonder if that magically aware
part of you that has risen up as you continue to let go of any conscious
control and allowed you to experience that calm and comfort you now enjoy that entire body that now seems to float
in time and space that free-floating place of effortless letting go and
allowing events to occur in their own time and in their own way that's right the conscious mind can allow that
drifting to occur while the unconscious mind drifts off someplace else entirely
now that's right and in your own time and in your own way aware of events that occur along the way
as the unconscious mind begins to utilize that opportunity to alter your
experience and to continue that learning in whatever way is the right way for you learning that feeling of letting go of allowing the unconscious mind to assume
more and more responsibility for guiding and directing awareness as you continue
to explore your own abilities and capacities to learn as you relax relax
and enter into that trance more and more completely more and more
comfortably more and more effortlessly then the fall that's right and I know that sometimes it is
difficult to relax and to just let go of those reminders the words we hear and
the images we see the thoughts our conscious mind presents us just for our
consideration and sometimes those words or pictures that float through our
conscious mind the negative and the positive is just our natural active
intelligence giving us a heads up reminding us of the things that might be
of worry or concern to guide us towards actions that it believes will keep you
safe in this moment but what if I told you at this moment now
you are in control and if you lie there in warm comfort your eyes comfortably
closed then clearly you have chosen this moment for mindfulness relaxation and self-awareness and the truth is I don't know how those
thoughts and feelings of anxiety emerge for you and I am sure you are very aware
of those situations and moments passed when you have reacted to thoughts with
stress and have bound your self hawked stuck in the loop of over thinking about
all the risk and the what is and I wonder if you know that this is a normal
reaction and completely human and there is
nothing wrong with the thought that commands our attention as a worrying
thought can lead us to take positive action that makes our experience even
better and sometimes a negative thought can be helpful and lead us to mindfully
make a positive choice and I wonder what happens for you when the words or images
that represent our thoughts and to your conscious awareness do you quickly buy
it that Hawk and find yourself momentarily in shock caught unaware
having allowed yourself to become lost in the feelings and emotions that
accompany that unhelpful thought and I wonder if in those moments you
notice yourself hooked drawn into examining your thoughts yet fighting to
escape the feelings attached to them but perhaps you can imagine a better
approach can you not to step back and understand that any negative thought is
not the enemy and that a negative thought can be useful when it helps to
direct your conscious will and actions towards an outcome you want and best of
all you can eventually learn to step back
and notice the thoughts then naturally come to mind and rather than fight and tire to the
presence of those thoughts you can instead see thoughts for what they are
just messages that are helpful or not and I wonder if you will learn in those
moments you see yourself starting to fight with the negative thoughts and
feelings that you can see the hawk for what it is because in this moment now you have committed in the present to
relax and become absorbed in the practice of mindfulness that's right in
this moment now you are safe and I know that sometimes it is difficult to relax or to learn how to relax more than you
have before and so as you sit there with your eyes closed
and begin to become aware of your own thoughts or your own sensations I begin
to wonder if you have ever had the pleasure of sitting on the bank of a
river where the river meets the deep blue ocean because there is something very
comforting about just sitting there watching the peaceful gentle flow of
water along the river toward the deep vast ocean and listening to the calming
sound of the distant waves as they move in and out in a continuous or that just
seems to go on and on and maybe you can remind yourself that your thoughts are
just like the energy of the calm ocean waves that continuously move in and move
out of your conscious awareness because in those moments
where your intelligent conscious mind dangles an unhelpful thoughts before you you can take a deep relaxing breath and
observe that hook moving about in the waves of your
consciousness because here and now relaxed and comfortable
you have available to you powerful self-awareness and there is no
need to take the bait and better still you can combine the power of relaxed
breathing with your imagination and for each thought that emerges imagine it to
be like a leaf floating down that beautiful blue river of consciousness to
the sea and that you can sit on the shore and observe as the thought moves
in and moves out and you can notice that any emotional
and physical response passes with it and observe each thought as it slowly
effortlessly flows into the deep alone that just seems to go on and on out of
your awareness somewhere across the sea and isn't it wonderful relaxing in the
Sun feeling the soothing warmth and just letting the mind drift
effortlessly with that quiet almost silent sound in the background of
your awareness I'm not sure if you have ever done that before relaxed in that way listening to the
peaceful quietness of water washing over there sure but best of all you can
choose a scene for yourself perhaps it was a waterfall or just a
silent place in the center of the woods a happy memory of contentment or just a
dream of a place so comfortable and safe that
it was easy to allow the body to relax and everything to relax I don't know how
you see your place but I do know that everyone has a place they can go a relaxing space deep down inside where
they can really let go of all their cares and concerns enjoy wonder at and wonder about those
waves of relaxation at the soothing heaviness of the arms and legs as some
relaxation continues maybe it was the warm smoothness of the
soft white sand you could hold in your hand and watch effortlessly slow for
your fingers the same sand that loaves in an hourglass
hour after hour with nothing to do for a time except to let go and flow
warm smooth and heavy sand listening to the waves of relaxation secure inside and out while you're safe
on the bank sitting there by the shore forgetting to make the effort it takes
even to try to be aware of when or where that relaxation began and perhaps sometime later tonight maybe
tomorrow or even sometime in the next week if you like I would like your
unconscious mind to have the opportunity to give you a
surprise a present or a pleasant gift something special something nice an unexpected pleasure a wonderful feeling perhaps a particular taste you enjoy or
even a brilliant color something that suddenly stands out and gives you a warm
pleasure that special feeling a special treat as you notice it is so nice to be
alive to experience that for a brief moment perhaps or a long one a giggle of
amusement to yourself or a deeply comforting sigh so keep an eye out for
it for that time when your unconscious mind sneaks up on you and opens up your
mind to that special feeling then yet today
as you drift down into your own trance I would like to help you learn even more
than before about how to allow change to occur at any time at all and when you
need to all want to that's right because now you can drift
down to sleep in a different way and best of all in a way we want to be easy
and comforting all by yourself because it is you that has chosen this
time what day sleep and there is nothing else you need to do right now everything
come wait this is your time to relax and rest to
snuggle in Dave confident knowing that you are safe in this moment and all is
exactly as you need right now and I wonder if you know they within that your
imagination is so much more powerful than your conscious will and I wonder if
it is deeply comforting to know that you can use your mind to imagine feeling
really really sleepy perhaps you would like to let go and relax and give yourself a mission to imagine a
sense of tiredness wash over you feeling in your body a sensation of all body
relaxation like when you immerse yourself you know lovely warm of where
you try to avoid falling asleep because now you are learning how to relax
and drift down to sleep or a brief time or a long while the amount of time that
is needed anytime anywhere that is useful to you to be able to utilize the power of your
imagination and focus on your breathing deep and calming perhaps noticing how
your body is warm heavy awash with comfort opening the door to great
healing and reconnection where the mind relaxes as well and it becomes easier
and easier just to allow the unconscious mind to assume more and more
responsibility for guiding and directing awareness and for providing those
experiences that are useful to you so now
you can continue to drift down as part of you Rises upwards as well to float in
time and space in a wonderfully safe place a wonderful
space where you can utilize the abilities available to you in the
unconscious mind to do so many things in the here and now as you follow my voice
you are already there and as you drift off to sleep
you are priming your unconscious to do the work of a change and you are here now ready to invest
time energy and faith in yourself because you are willing to do whatever
it takes to remove barriers and to turn your vision into reality and as the mind
and the body each day requires a restful sleep
the helpful powers of your unconscious become automatic and effortless with
practice so here now is what you need to do tonight and every night you can in
coming weeks as you lay down to go to sleep imagine the positive change that you
will make as you listen through and try and stay awake I want you to try and
listen to the very end and experience this meditation again and again and as
you learn the skills to live life and you now you can think about nothing but
the color blue maybe it's the gentle blue water that
ran through the river to the sea the deep clear blue of the ocean
or the sky over a place you would love to be and I just want you to experience nothing but blue until this meditation
slows and softens and fades to nothing before you finally let go I know it will
be difficult to experience nothing but the color blue but I know you can do it
for a while so when my words come back to you each night as you drift off to
sleep you will remember to try and stay awake at least until my voice softens
and fades and be aware only blue like the blue in the sky or the gentle river
as it mates the waves of the deep blue sea and as you drift and train and fall into
sleep I know this is the place you want to be you

As found on YouTube