10 Minute Yoga Nidra

namaste i'm rosalie and welcome to this short yoga nidra to rest and recharge to begin lie down and find your most comfortable position use any props you might need to feel warm cozy and cocooned in your own yoga ninja nest [Music] now take a big inhale and side out and again one more with every exhale allow any tension to drain from the body letting go of any tension in the forehead the jaw the shoulders your whole body melting into the support of the surface beneath you now bring your awareness to your heart space and call in the sankhalpa for this particular practice i am vibrant and full of energy now repeat this to yourself and really feel it through your whole being as you say it i am vibrant and full of energy [Music] now bring your awareness to the top of your head and let your attention flow to each part of your body as i name it allowing a wave of relaxation to spread downwards through your whole body bring all your awareness to the top of your head the whole scalp moving down to the forehead the eyes [Music] the cheeks your tongue your lips your jaw your whole face resting deeply moving down the neck to the shoulders through the upper arms elbows forearms the palms of your hands all the way down to the tips of your fingers [Music] feeling both arms both hands resting deeply your heart space flowing down through the belly your sacrum to the hips a wave of relaxation flowing through the thighs knees lower legs soles of your feet [Music] all the way to the tips of your toes from the crown of your head to the tips of your toes your whole body resting deeply [Music] now notice the natural flow of your breath waves of breath flowing in and out [Music] as you inhale [Music] imagine filling yourself up with pure radiant energy exhale releasing any old tired energy inhale energizing recharging exhale releasing softening like this [Music] [Music] [Music] inhale energizing exhale releasing softening resting deeply [Music] now let it go and drop back into your heart space and call in the sun karpa for this particular practice i am vibrant and full of energy repeat this to yourself and feel it through your whole being as you say it i am vibrant full of energy [Music] simmer here for another breath or two [Music] noticing any shifts any benefits you might have gained from this short practice notice your energy level how do you feel what is different from the beginning of this practice [Music] take a deep breath in let it go one more [Music] when you're ready slowly begin to awaken the body gently moving your fingers your toes taking your time thank you so much for being here with me today once again my name is rosalie and i release a new video every week so if you like this video please consider subscribing to my channel and come back to this practice anytime you need a short energizing break have a wonderful day namaste [Music] [Music] [Music] you

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