Non Sleep Deep Rest | NSDR | 15 minute Yoga Nidra

namaste i'm rosalie and welcome to this short yoga netra to recharge your whole system begin by coming to rest in you're warm and cozy yoking in your nest [Music] nestling in and making any adjustments until you find your most comfortable position and i'll take a deep breath in let it out with a sigh [Music] with every exhale allow any tension to drain from the body feeling the support of the earth beneath you letting your bones become heavy and allowing any momentum from your day to just drop away [Music] softening through your forehead your eyes the jaw [Music] and your shoulders melting down [Music] feeling cradled and held by the support of the earth beneath you the whole body resting deeply [Music] just drop from your thinking mind into your heart space into feeling listening [Music] and might you welcome the intention [Music] i am fully at ease [Music] i am fully at ease [Music] now let your attention gravitate to the tip of your tongue the root of your tongue inside both cheeks your lips the tip of your nose the bridge of your nose [Music] both eyes and all the little muscles behind the eyes both ears listening the center of your forehead [Music] the center of your throat [Music] the center of the heart space both shoulders elbows wrists the palms of both hands the tips of both thumbs [Music] the tips of your first fingers seconds third little fingers the wrists elbows shoulders [Music] the center of your heart space solar plexus your navel center both hips knees angles the soles of your feet the tips of your big toes and the tips of all ten toes from the crown of your head to the tips of your toes the whole body effortless deeply resting fully at ease [Music] and notice the natural flow of your breath [Music] and imagine you could breathe from the soles of your feet up to the crown of your head and exhale from the crown back down to the feet breathing up to the crown and down to the feet [Music] just with your natural breath feeling waves of breath flowing up and down [Music] now let it go just resting here in pure awareness the whole body effortless deeply resting fully at ease [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now let it go and might you welcome the intention i am fully at ease i am fully at ease [Music] take a moment to tune into your body tune into your mind and notice how you feel notice what you've cultivated within yourself during the short practice and just simmer in these benefits for another breath or two [Music] perhaps setting the intention to carry these benefits with you into the rest of your day [Music] it's time now to come fully back into your body fully back into the space but remember the sense of deep rest is always here waiting for you it's just a few breaths away but for now take a deep breath in through the nose side out when you're ready slowly begin to awaken the body [Music] gently moving the fingers the toes [Music] the ankles the wrists thank you so much for practicing with me today once again my name is rosalient i release a new video every tuesday so you might consider subscribing to my channel and coming back to this practice any time your body needs to rest to recharge have a wonderful day namaste [Music] you

As found on YouTube