Unlock a Tight Neck in Seconds #Shorts

Here's how to unlock a tight neck in seconds. 
Grab a hand drying towel, cross your hands over,   grip the two ends, raise the towel to the top of 
the neck. Whatever side is on bottom, we're going   to keep that end locked and straight while the 
other one goes up towards the ceiling just like   this (kind of like through our eye). We're going 
to then pull over to turn our head into rotation   until we feel a deep stretch into the neck. You'll 
also feel an upwards pull that's known as traction.   We want to hold this one comfortably for about 
15 seconds. From there, we're just going to relax.   On the next repetition, we're just going to cross 
over with our two ends right here and then repeat   from there. Try to lower the towel a little bit 
and then do this process again, going from the   top of the neck all the way down to the base of 
the neck.

You're going to find that one spot is   pinpoint of pain tightness. At that point, make note 
of that. Throw in about three to five repetitions   of 10 to 15 seconds, and with each repetition 
try to stretch into it just a little bit more..

As found on YouTube