Unlock Your Full Back in Seconds

Here's how to unlock your full back in seconds!
Go next to a door frame, put your toes up against   it. I'm going to grip into the door frame with 
my hands, slightly below chin level. Let's take   our chin towards our chest. From here, I'm going 
to lean backwards with my body weight, kind of   like taking my butt down towards the floor, until I 
feel a very deep stretch in my upper back, all the   way down to my lower back. I also feel it into my 
glute, buttocks, and the back of my legs. Hold this   comfortably for 20 to 30 seconds. From there, I'm 
going to rock forward, take my hands place them   on my hips, drive my hips into the door frame, 
and then lean backwards with my upper back.

This   puts the back into extension, which helps not only 
stretch it but also take a lot of pressure off of   it. Again, a comfortable hold for 20 to 30 seconds 
and then from there I'm just going to repeat this   three to five times, and with each repetition 
try to stretch into it just a little bit more..

As found on YouTube